Hello little lambs-
I figured that since I am on the other side of the country away from my family and friends I should probably write up a quick update on the anticlimactic happenings of my new desert life. (You are so excited to read this now, huh? I am sooooo fuuuunnnn.)
Well, the most pressing news that I have is that I'm currently working on a new hip-hop song about myself (better than the Fergie Ferg's) for you all to dance party your faces off to soon. Obviously the song will be titled "Xtinalicious Lafflirtatious." Why, you ask? Let me answer your question with another question: WHY NOT? Life's a stage, you guys. Bottom line: you're welcome.

To the friends who know about my endearing history with my former Nashville landlords, Lionel and Sharon Lillicrap, I am really excited to tell you that I got Lillicrap'ed on earlier this week. (To outsiders, they are cute, squinty-eyed little southern folks who speak fast as a banjo and can cram a 20 minute conversation into 5. What I think I love about Sharon the most is that, like me, she doesn't really have boundaries and kind of presses herself on me with grandmotherly qualities. One time she let herself into our house while I was in the shower, and talked to me through the door. Sweet! [?])
So, one morning last week my roommates weren't home...and forgot to tell me our landlords were coming over to fix something....and, waaait for iiiit...... I was in the shower when they came.
Hence, therefore, the extremely nice land lady felt ok about yelling through the bathroom door to talk to me while I was washing my unclothed body.
TWICE. THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME TWICE! haha... A) I can't hear you talking to me in the shower. B) Seriously, I can't hear you. and C) I'm busy being uncomfortably vulnerable right now, could you maybe not?
Needless to say, I laughed really hard. Awkward is awesome, you guys.
Oh, and one last thing while we're talking about recent apartment news. I would like to say that my room is directly below an apartment where really overweight people reside, who happen to also be avid Dance Dance Revolution players. All day, all night. Let that marinate for a second...
...and then imagine how my tone of voice was when I had to crawl out of bed with my hair straight in the air and knock on their door at one a.m. the other night. I looked really cute and approachable. Mostly like someone you'd trust your children with.
"I'm trying to sleep, do you think y'all could just like, not stomp right now?"
"Sorry! We're done!" they said.
"Mmmk great."
And then again, I laughed. Life is so funny. I really do love our apartment though, and Audrey and Lisa are the most wonderful.
As for the DDR'ers, I'm probably going to run into them 3 times a day now that they've seen my ugly side. I guess things would be different if they wanted to invite me up to play with them or have some sort of a dance-off. :)
*I digress.*
In all seriousness, I'm really enjoying the path my adventurous impulse to move across the country has taken me on. From hiking in the desert, running up mountains, taking photos, and enjoying the rich community I'm surrounded by, to seeking out solid work and figuring out a new normal... life has been supremely good to me. One thing I don't really hate that much either is that we've been grilling outside now that's it's summer. That's what you do when summer comes, you grill all the everything ever. So, I've been eating well. :)

Apart from all the new stuff taking place in my life, this is the one constant thing I know for sure, that God's goodness and kindness is never ending. He is so rich with Love, and I'm determined to know it better. To go deeper, higher, wider into it.
You're a mystery to me, O God, yet the most familiar hand in my life... Your Shepherd staff comforts me. May I establish myself in Your presence, continually staying in conversation with You, loving You, adoring You, delighting in You.
Happy are those who are called to the table. Yes yes yes...
The last thing I would like to say is that I deeply, wholeheartedly miss my niece and nephew. Living in community with young Catholic families, I spend a good chunk of time around a tooooon of babies... and still no one even comes close to the beauty of my Carmindy and Maddox! Life apart from their giggles is extremely dull and colorless, and food doesn't seem to have as much taste. (I maybe deserve a daytime Emmy for that awesome drama) But, I'll have to manage for now. :) What a treasure, those two.... such joys to my heart.
Ok, that is all. :)
Be well,